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Water. Here today, gone tomorrow?

If you have ever been in a situation where you wanted water but couldn’t have it, then you already know the gravity of what we are talking about. If you haven’t experienced water shortages yet, consider yourself very fortunate and ask yourself something. Has there ever been a water cut in your locality or building? Have you mistakenly left one of the taps open and emptied out the water storage tank? If yes, you have only experienced a glimpse of what might happen if we don’t check ourselves in time and pay attention to the ticking time-bomb of water scarcity. It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when.

There are many factors that contribute to the growing water problem worldwide. While most of them are the same all over the world, today we will take a look at what causes water scarcity issues in India leading to a drinking water supply. As they say, a crisis isn’t really a crisis until it hits home.

1. Gargantuan population:

Like many other issues, the roots of India’s water crisis lie in its huge, ever-growing population. The sheer number of people means that demand for water is always increasing, be it for individual consumption, or for agriculture/manufacturing to satisfy the demands of a huge populace.

2. Reduction in availability of groundwater:

The increasing water needs mean that every year, the groundwater levels keep going deeper and deeper. This is caused by the increased pumping done to make water available for agriculture, individual use etc.

3. Climate change:

Global and localised rise in temperature due to climate change means that more water evaporates from the water bodies which supply most of our water. This leads to lesser and lesser water availability in the face of growing water demand.

4. Defective supply systems:

Many of our water collection, processing and supply systems are decades old, which means that a lot of water gets lost during transport from the treatment plants to your home. Leaky pipes, water tanks filled with sludge, all come under this category.

5. Wastage:

Last but not the least, sheer carelessness and apathy also contribute a lot to water scarcity. This happens not just in our factories and plants, but in our homes as well. Next time you throw away that glass of water or water your plants in the balcony till the water starts pouring down or leave the taps running while you brush your teeth, pause and think!

If you think that supply shortage is the only factor causing the water problem, you are sadly mistaken. Lack of clean drinking water and contaminated water supplies is a major factor too, as these mean that water cannot be effectively used even when it is available. We are looking at a crisis in terms of both quantity and quality of water available.

So, what can we do to fix this? While governments all over the world launch various initiatives to conserve water and ensure a fair distribution of what’s available, we as individuals also need to be mindful of how (much) we use. Some of the simple steps that we can take are:

● Use only what you need. Don’t waste water, fix leaking taps, pipes etc. to reduce wastage.

● Recycle as much as you can. This applies especially to industrial plants and factories.

● Harvest rainwater and use it for cleaning, gardening etc. This will reduce your consumption of freshwater.

● Be aware of the looming crisis. Spread awareness so that everyone, in their own way, can contribute to tackling it.

The water available to us is our commonwealth. Let’s make sure that we treat it as the privilege that it is, and not take it for granted. With conscious and continuous efforts, we will definitely be able to make the best of what we have and leave a better planet for the future generations of humanity.

Do your part to combat water scarcity by using Bepure's main line water filter and ensuring zero water wastage.

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